Here are a few ways in which you can help us:

Send us your Email

Provide us with your email (below) so we can contact you when a planning application is submitted:

Write to our local MP

Write to our local MP, Kevin Hollinrake at:

Kevin Hollinrake Local MP for Ryedale

Write to the local papers

Gazette and Herald:

Yorkshire Post:

Scarborough News:

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Kevin Hollinrake, MP for Thirsk and Malton said:

“Government guidance is quite clear that solar developments should not be deployed on best and most versatile land. As 70% of the land in question is in this category, the application should be rejected and I can confirm that the Farming Secretary and the NFU share this view. I will continue to support Emma and Rob’s campaign and press for clearer guidance across the board.”

Protestors outside Malton Town Council Meeting 30th June

Protestors outside Malton Town Council Meeting 30th June 2021